Wednesday, January 8, 2014

7 Months Old!

It's true....Baby Em is 7 months old today!!!! As crazy as that is, I actually feel like the past month went slower than all of the other ones, probably because there were so many things going on with the holidays.

It finally happened...she finally has teeth!!! That's right...plural...two sharp, pearly whites! Thank goodness...because she's been sooo much happier! I've noticed that over the past few days she's been so happy and smiley, and giggling at everything. She will also entertain herself for short periods of time, which is a nice break for Mommy and Daddy.

The spit up continues, however, I have noticed that it's starting to get better. She still has some bad days, but on the whole, it's definitely improved. She usually spits up for about 30 mins after I nurse her, but then I give her solids and she's usually pretty good for a couple of hours. This is the first month where we have finally started to believe that there will be a light at the end of the spit-up tunnel!

Here's some tidbits about the past month:

- At 7 months, I think Em weighs 19lbs and a few ounces. I weighed myself, and then did it again with her in my arms
- She has two bottom teeth!!! Her first one came through on Dec.20 and the second one came through on Jan.2
- She can now sit up by herself without any pillows surrounding her or with us nearby. She sits up all the time, and I can leave the room and even go upstairs without worrying about her
- Emerson is still loving her solids. We've started giving her bits and pieces of our meals too, it's so fun. She really loves cheese (her father's daughter) and greek yogurt, as well as all the usual fruits and veggies.
- She is firmly wearing size 9 months in everything, I actually packed up a bunch of her clothes last weekend, including most of her 6-month clothing
- Em has finally started to nap pretty well in her crib. She consistently naps around 9am and 1pm in her crib nice to have a break!
- She is no longer sleeping through the night...not sure what's going on. I have to feed her once per night these days...
- She can feed herself rice crackers
- She is starting to experiment with crawling...ahhh! A few times, she has gotten up onto all fours, but so far, no movement.
- Em is loving her exersaucer...last night she played in it for almost 45 mins....we couldn't believe it!
- She definitely knows her name, and she knows "Casey", and pretty sure she knows "Mommy" and "Daddy"
- She has started this thing where if she poops while in her carseat, she screams like crazy until we change her...she becomes completely hysterical!!!!!
- Emerson has started sleeping with her bum up in the air
- She has started to object when we take toys away, or if a toy rolls away from her
- She has started snorting, and huffing and puffing when she gets frustrated - like when she can't pick up her own banana slices
- She can drink water from her sippy cup...sort of...
- This month we did the following: went to the movies, hosted a Christmas party with most of the Quilty clan, went to a Christmas party at Andrew's cousin's house, went to a holiday treat exchange and met lots of new moms and babes (including a baby girl born the same day as Em), hosted the Cummings fam at our house on Christmas Day, went to Palmerston on Boxing Day for the Finlayson Christmas, and hosted Bethany and Zee and Uncle Rob and Aunt Mad on New Years Eve, and went to a few momsgroup gathering.

I love eating!

Baby Bear Snuggles

Cuddles with Grandpa Quilty

First cousins - 6 months apart

The Whole Gang

Opening her first present ever! Clearly I'm excited!

Cuddles with Uncle Rob
X-Mas Pj's

Entertaining herself on the floor

Strawberry Breakfast on Christmas Day (too sour for her liking)

Emerson the Elf!

Playing with Grandpa Cummings

Sleepy girl with Grandma Cummings


A new teddy bear!
Look Mom...I got a new bear..


What is this thing?
Is there something in here?
Doggy headband made by Grandma Cummings
Playtime on the floor with Great-Grandma Gracie
Me and Auntie Alex: Let's put Em in the giant bag like she's a present
Em: What are you idiots doing? Get me out of this bag!
Sleepytime with Auntie Al
And Grandpa Cummings
Cool Wig (Courtesy of Auntie Al)
Christmas Day Family Pic...we forgot about it until the last minute...oh well...
Three Generations...
Four Generations
Group Photo (minus sleepyhead Grandpa)
Storytime with Daddy
Lazy New Years Day Selfie!
New Years Eve Photos taken by Zjelko Matovic

I love Sophie now!!!
Swimming on a Snow Day!

Sleeping with her little bum in the air...
I like this cup...but I don't want to hold it..

She made her way from the living room over to the kitchen by herself...

I love my exersaucer!